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I recently read this book and loved it.  I'm not big on reviews, especially when they are about an author who ripped the roof off the self-help/memoir genre with Eat, Pray, Love and everyone and their Mom knows about it.  Yes, I am in fact one of those who loved Eat, Pray, Love and felt very connected to Gilbert's voice.  And then, as if she had heard my call, she wrote about the most confusing, overused, misunderstood, twisted, abused human creation of all time:  marriage.

I was so inspired by Gilbert's ability to deconstruct the common conceptions of marriage and redefine the commitment for herself and no one else.  This was an encouragement and an insight into the power of individuality and staying true to one's self.  

You don't have to be married or about to get married or have anything remotely related to marriage in your life at the moment to read and enjoy this book.  To me, that's the mark of a good read.


1 comment:

  1. I still have to read this one, Meggie! Thanks for the reminder!!


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