
Teething Style + moshi moshi Discount!

So, NC is teething.  

The thing about teething, at least in our case, is that it is never ending.  Our child has had white, bumpy, lumpy, sensitive gums for at least two months.  Every morning we wake up and think, "Okay, today is the day we go into her nursery and we find Gary Busey in the crib."  But it just never happens.

Anyway, teething is not fun.  So the only thing we can do is continue to let NC put whatever she damn well pleases into her mouth to help ease the pain.  Thankfully, we have some pretty stylish options for her.

I jumped right in when she was only a few months old and bought NC a raw amber necklace to wear to help with any inflammation that may be causing her pain.  I don't have any hard data to support the success or failure of said amber necklace, but it doesn't seem to be doing any harm, and NC is a super happy baby most of the time so I'll keep it on.  Plus, she looks so cute wearing it.  Case in point:  

My friend from college also sent us an adorable teething necklace for NC to wear so she can pick it up and chomp on it herself.  NC LOVES it.  And of course, she looks so cute wearing it.  Again--case in point:

While I of course know that when it comes to teething, the priority is that whatever you are using to help with the situation has to WORK, I also want my life to remain somewhat enjoyable to look at and not completely filled with merely functional baby gear.  Thank god there are others that feel the same way:

Kangaroo Care Modern Mama Teething Necklace / nihama Teething Necklace

Do you have a teething baby on your hands too? Just need some new gems for your little one or even yourself?  You're in luck:  
My friend Anna from moshi moshi is giving Suggestion readers 15% off now through May 12
(Use code MEL15)  

Her necklaces really are amazing and every teething baby will love them.  And even if you don't have a teething baby, I may or may not have worn NC's myself because I think it's so cute, so buy one for you or someone special!  With Mother's Day coming up, Anna's necklaces will make perfect gifts.   

If you need further incentive to buy a moshi moshi necklace, here's another dose of cuteness.  As if you haven't already had enough.  What?  I'm not ashamed.



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